Tuesday 9 November 2010

Location, Props, Costume, Equipment by Emily

==  Location
We have decided that our location will be at Rudyard Lake near Leek. This is to create a romantic mise-en-scene. The lyrics refer to 'Robin Hood' and 'Sherwood Forest' and therefore we wanted to film a location that fits the setting and theme of Robin Hood in a forest. We therefore decided that we needed a location that was surrounded my trees and nature. Rudyard Lake has a lot of trees and the surroundings are very picturesque.

We then decided that we wanted to portray the relationship of Maid Marion and Robin Hood and therefore our setting and location would have to look romantic and we needed picturesque places where the couple would be isolated almost like they are in there own little world. We decided that we wanted them in a boat and therefore we needed a location that also had a lake. This is a very stereotypical image of a romantic relationship. However we subvert these stereotypical images as the relationship is not as content as it seems, as the female character is leading on the male character, as the lyrics suggests.  

This is the boat house at Rudyard that we may use in our shots as again it is very picturesque and will conform to our romantic theme. This will add to the contrast of the romantic setting and the couples' faulty relationship.


Our main prop that we will use throughout the music video is a chess set. This is because the chess board relates to the song's title 'Chess' and also one of our main ideas is to use stop start animation. The idea of playing a game like chess represents the idea that the female is playing a game with the male in their relationship- 'playing hard to get' and leading him on.

We also plan to have a big human  chess board for the band members to play their instruments on. If the price is higher than our budget we have discussed that maybe using the green screen would be more feesable and also maybe have a better effect.

We need an old fashioned rowing boat in our music video in order to again create a romantic mise-en-scene of the couple rowing the boat laughing and playing. This is almost like his memory of happy moments with the female. Even though we can still see signs of her troublesome character.

We have no specific actors and actresses, as only the band members are going to be used in the music video. However two of the band members will act out the the couple. These band members are the only two members that sing in this song. This is effective as we can get them to mime their singing parts. The band members look and style is very effective as we want the couple's style to fit the genre of our music video.

We have decided that all the band members would be in winter clothing, as we will film in December when the scenery in the location that we are in may be frosty and icy and all the leaves will be off the trees. Therefore we want the band clothing to fit the wintery setting, in order to create realism.

We want the female band member who is the girl who is in the relationship to have a red coat. This is to represent her character as dangerous and sexual, rather than innocent and pure.
We also want the lead male band member in the relationship to be wearing a green jumper or coat in order to link back to our theme of Robin Hood, as the stereotypical costume colour of Robin Hood is green. We will not have the stereotypical costume of Robin Hood, that is shown above on the right. This is because we want the characters' costumes to be modern so that the audience can relate to the band members.

We want the band members in different bright colours in order to give them a mise-en-scene of being fun and youthful and that there is nothing dull about them. It also fits with the band's image, as one of the band's conventions is that they often dress in different bright colours to their gigs and photo shoots.

Here is the band's myspace page and you can see the image they have created for themselves which we intend to represent in our music video http://www.myspace.com/tgatj

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