Tuesday 16 November 2010

Questionnaire Results by Helen

What age group are you in?
What is your favourite genre of music?
What is the most memorable music video?
Which aspect of a music video do you think is the most important?
Do you think music videos are important?
Do you think the genre of music should be reflected in a music video?
Do you think live footage is a key aspect in a music video?

As we have asked 6 more females than males this could effect the reliability of our results as we are targeting at a unisex target audience. We wanted to target our audience at 18 and under so it is effective that there is mostly under 18s that have answered our questionnaire. The genre of music that is featured in our music video is Indie therefore the results that we have collected  relate to our selected genre as the results show that the majority prefer indie music. The most popular memorable music video was Telephone by Lady Gaga ft Beyonce, this video has a narrative running all the way through the text which is the key feature of our music video. Which reflects the question after 'What is a key aspect of a music video?' which one of the most popular choices was the narrative, but that came shortly after the band/artist being the most important which will be shown in our music video. The results of the question 'Do you think music videos are important?' displays a positive yes which is originally why we chose to do a music video in the first place as it has key importance in the music industry and in everyday lives. 'Do you think it is important the genre of the music is reflected in the song' again shows a positive yes answer which we will respond to. As the band is quirky and 'scene' music we will be showing those representations in our music video. 

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