Tuesday 2 November 2010

Emily Rhead's album cover, album advert and video anaylis

I sent my teacher this analysis and research work by email before the given deadline.

Album Cover Analysis

This album follows conventions of an album cover as it has the name of the band and the album name on the cover. The font is very minimal and simple and this represents that the band don’t need fancy writing to advertise their band. It also represents their genre of music simple, but caters to the pop cultural identity. The text is also in capital letters and bold and this suggests importance and this is how the band want to be represented. The text is central on the album cover, which makes the name of the album and band more noticeable to the audience
It also follows the conventions of an album cover, as it displays the band members on the cover.  However, the band members are represented as if they are mannequin dolls, which is unconventional. This aims to create an identity of individuality, unlike normal artists seen in pop culture. The shininess of the band members also suggests perfection. The band also breaks conventions as they are all costumed in different colours and usually bands are known to be colour coordinated in their costume. This mise-en-scene represents that they are all different to one another and all have their own identity. Also the mise-en-scene of the bright colours reveals that they are fun, exciting and youthful.
The simplicity of the minimal grey and white background is used to make the band members stand out with their bright coloured costume. This creates a representation that the band and their music stand out from any other music and artists and therefore will make them more attractable to the audience as the audience desire their unique image.

This album cover is very unconventional. Unlike the Maccabees album is does not feature the band members on the album cover. It does display the album name and band name which fits conventions. However the band name is not noticeable as it is hidden within many letters, so this is unconventional of an album cover.  This gives them a unique representation. The letters also represent the theme and genre of the band. Using the alphabet for a band that is named ‘Alphabeat’ has represented the theme of the band. Also the use of the alphabet on their front cover is very youthful and innocent like the band’s genre of music. The album uses bright colours like the other two album covers that I have analysed and represents the band as fun and exciting. 

This album cover, like the ‘Alphabeat’ and ‘The Maccabees’ album reveals very bright colours, again representing a fun, youthful and exuberant album and artist. However this album contrasts to the other two albums as the majority of the album cover is animated. This use of animation relates to the album title, ‘Life in Cartoon Motion’. There are various aspects of this album cover that suggest that the artist wants to be represented as youthful and childlike. For example it represents a dreamlike image that is very childlike- it displays rainbows, blue sky, clouds and flowers which are typical images of a child’s dream. It is almost trying to represent that Mika’s music is like heaven as his name is in the clouds and everything seems perfect. There is also a doll, which suggests the innocence of a child and therefore represents Mika’s album as fun and playful just like a child.
One of the animations being a piano reveals where Mika’s passion is- music. The piano seems to look like it is coming off a rainbow, as if the piano is the treasure at the end of a rainbow. Another of the animations revealing a man on a sofa and a variety of sofas around him suggest that Mika’s music can also be relaxing, but he has many sofas to keep with his theme of being exuberant and abstract, as well as relaxing.
The layouts of the animations are very random. The animations are almost as if it is an artist’s doodles- placed anywhere and everywhere, making the layout of the album cover very busy. This represents this album as having a variety of genres and styles- fun and random just like the layout. It’s almost like he is trying to represent life- varied, fun and different to each individual, but in ‘cartoon motion’, like the album suggests.
Like the other two album covers this album follows the convention of the artist’s name and the artist’s album to be featured on the album cover. However, the way that the text is presented is very different and contrasting. The font of the album cover name is in italics and looks like handwriting, which sticks to the theme of the album being an artist’s doodles. The font of the artist’s name is very big and bold, is three dimensional and is central. This is first to make it stand out so that audience know the artist that made the album and to also give his name importance.
The album follows the convention of having the artist on the cover, however unlike conventions the artist is not the focus of the cover as he is very small in comparison to the animations and to the very left of the cover. This represents that he wants his imagination and music to be the focus of this album, not his appearance. Also the artist’s photo is the only aspect of the album cover that is not in animation and not in bright colours. This is because he wants to reveal that he is reality and reality is dull unlike his imagination and he makes the animation the main theme of the album as his music is what brings his youthful and fun imagination to life.

Album Advert Analysis
Foals- Total Life Forever- in NME 8th May 2010
This advert follows the convention of an album advert, as the advert has the same picture and, title and style as the actual album cover of the album. The only thing that is different about this album advert compared with the album cover is that the band name and the album name are much bigger and spread more across the page. This is to catch the audience’s eye to make sure that they remember the album and the artist’s name in order to go out and buy it. The font of the album’s name and artist’s name is very bold and in capital letters. This suggests urgency for audience members to go and buy the album very quickly. The text also takes up almost half of the advert which suggests that the album is very important and makes the audience remember it more than if it was smaller. Another convention that the advert follows is that is says the date in which the album is out and what the album entails (‘CD/2CD/12”/Digital/LTD Edition Box Set’). The website, displayed in the bottom centre of the advert, is revealed to get the audience to gain more information on the ‘Foals’ and therefore feel more attached to the band. This makes it more likely for the audience to buy or download the album.
The fact that they keep the same theme and concept in the album cover and advert makes the audience gain a recognition of this theme (like a brand identity) and therefore are more likely to buy the album, as they recognise the theme.
The mise-en-scene of the album advert seems to be very dark and mysterious, because of the isolated environment and the low key lighting. This is to represent what the bands want to be seen as. Their faces are also not very clear revealing that maybe they want their image to be mysterious. Also they may also want to reveal that they don’t want to be the focus
The album creates a mise-en-scene of calmness. The blue water gives the band a calm image t and represents their music as calming and relaxing. The layout of the band also suggests this image, as the band members are placed in a soft curve and they look like they are gently floating separately. There is also no border to this advert suggesting that they are in open water and their environment is spatial and free, representing that the band see their music as freedom.
They do not follow the conventions of an album advert as they do not say much about themselves or the album on the advert. This suggests that they don’t need to say anything- they need no introduction as their music is well known and respected.

Liars Advert – Sisterworld- NME 20th March 2010 
This advert, unlike the ‘Foul’s’ album advert doesn’t follow the convention of the advert being the same or very similar to the album cover. This gives the representation that their music genre and style is varied as they don’t stick to one theme. However the advert does have the same font of the band’s name ‘Liars’ and the album’s name ‘Sisterworld’. This gives the band a brand identity, so that audiences associate this font with the band and recognise it.
Like the ‘Foul’s’ advert they give a relaxing and calm mise-en-scene. The empty beach, the blue sky and the calming colours sell positive lifestyle- calm relaxing and a free. Like the last advert there is no border and they seem to be in an isolated open space, this represents their feeling of freedom because of music. This mise-en-scene also represents their music as laid back, relaxing and calm, as well as the image of the band members. Each band member is very far apart; they are not together posing for a photo like a conventional band album advert. This represents them as individuals and also represents them as a care-free and unaware of their image. This is also represented again, as like the ‘Foul’s’ advert they don’t reveal their faces. It shows that their focus is not on their image, but their music.
Like the other advert it reveals when the album is out(‘OUT NOW’) and what the album is available in (‘2CD Special Edition/ CD/ Download). This gives the audience information of when and what to buy. Like the Foul’s advert when the album is out is in capital letters. This is to reveal importance and urgency for the audience to buy the album as soon as they can.
The advert, unlike the last advert, has information about their next live gig. This gives them publicity, revenue and also enables the audience to have a taster of their able by attending the live performance.

'All Time Low'- 'Put Up Or Shutup' Advert  (On email cannot get it onto blog nor find it again on internet)

This advert contrasts to the last two adverts; however it follows some of the conventions that they have too. It follows the convention of having the album name and band name on the advert just like the last two adverts. This is so the audience know what to buy and who wrote the album. However this advert reveals the band name three times and the album name twice. The album name and band name is written on the hand to represent how the audience should remember this album to go out and buy it as it is something worth remembering. The band name is also written in a very bold, capital font on a piece of paper held by the animated hand. This is to represent how important this band is. It needs to be remembered and the font suggests that the band has great importance.  Both the album name and the band name are in capitals at the top of the page again to show importance and for the audience to sense urgency to buy this album. This seems to be a convention throughout the album adverts (bold and capital font).
Another convention that the advert follows and has the same as the other two adverts is that it displays what the album is available in (‘CD/ DVD Digipak release’). This is again so the audience know what the product is available in and gives them options. It also typical to the conventions as it reveals the date the album is released. However it is in much smaller writing compared to the other two adverts and the text is not in capital letters.
This advert stands out more compared to the ‘Fouls’ and ‘Liars’ advert. This is because of the mise-en-scene.  It uses much brighter colours, whereas the other adverts are more calm colours this advert is bright and exuberant. The bright green compared to the dull grey unconventionally contrasts and makes the advert stand out. This gives the band a representation of a band that likes to stand out.  It is also unconventional because the advert does feature the band members. The animation of a hand is very unconventional and therefore attracts the audience’s attention.
Music Video Analysis
Marina and the Diamonds’- ‘Hollywoodhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4gpQ6fzM5Q&feature=fvst 
This music video is conventional as it follows a theme and the theme relates to the song. The song describes the American lifestyle. The mise-en-scene reveals this theme. Marina’s costume’s include a cheerleader outfit and a dress that is patterned with the American flag. The music video also reveals a stereotypical American lifestyle like a beauty queen being crowned, an American footballer kissing the winning cup and an image of a blonde, flicking her hair for the paparazzi (this displayed when Marina sings ‘hot blonde’. This is a convention of a music video- that the images shown in the music video relate to the song lyrics. A convention that this music video doesn’t follow is that it doesn’t follow a storyline.
The editing creates representations of American lifestyle. The cross cutting between Marina blowing out the American flag, iced cake and the celebrating teenagers is showing what she is singing about- the typical American teenage party lifestyle. The fast pace editing once the chorus begins, not only synchronises with the faster beat music, but represents American lifestyle busy and energetic (something always going on). It also represents the artist and her music as fun and energetic.
When slow motion is used with the fading in and out of various images (girl putting on crown, baseball player about to bat a ball and a footballer kissing a winning cup) it builds up tension for the chorus and also puts emphasis on the stereotypical proud American moments.
The cinematography used creates representations, follows conventions and represents the artist and her music in various ways. The extreme close up of the artist’s bright red lips in the opening of the music video represent sexuality and reveal that the artist is attractive. This is a convention of a music video- that most of the character’s, dancers, and artists are attractive or made to look attractive in the music video to interest members of the audience more. There are many close ups of the main artist, ‘Marina’, so that the focus is on her to enable the audience to know that she is the artist of the song. This is conventional of a music video. There is a mid shot with ‘Marina’ central to show her surroundings. This represents American lifestyle as a party lifestyle and also represents Marina as fun and her song is a song to party to. She is still central to reveal that she is the focus of the music video- almost like she is the reason for this party.
There is a close up shot camera man taking a photo and there is a flash- this again represents American lifestyle as a media obsessed one. Marina seems to juxtapose this lifestyle through the lyrics that she sings as she seems to be enjoying the lifestyle through the moving images shown. This reveals that she is mocking the lifestyle of Americans. 
‘Kate Nash’- ‘Foundations’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryH5cga0yUI&ob=av2e
Like the ‘Marina and the Diamonds’ music video this music video follows the convention of having a theme. The theme is relationships. This is attractive to an audience as it is an extremely common theme in audiences’ lives. This video also follows the convention of following a storyline unlike the last music video. The storyline allows the audience to be taken in by the music video as it is just like watching a film or listening to a story. The mise-en-scene, editing and cinematography create the representations of the theme and, the artist and the artist’s music.
Unlike the’ Marina and the Diamonds’ video, the music video uses stop start animation of objects to reveal their relationship. For example the use of stop start animation of dinosaur toys represents their relationship as childish and the stop start animation of the toy baby creates a juxta position because of the contrast between the baby’s innocence and the lyrics she sings suggesting violence and bitterness. This is very unique and unconventional of a typical music video and therefore represents the artist as very unique and different.
The mise-en-scene of this video represents their relationship. The video involves very bright colours and the costumes that the artist wears are also very bright. This is to represent their relationship as childish, not calm and ever-changing.  It represents the artist in a more positive way- youthful, exuberant and fun. The music video is set only in a household, unlike the last video that was set in various settings. This is to represent that in the household is where all the arguments happened giving an impression that everything happens behind closed doors- private life. It also represents the artist as simple- she doesn’t need ‘glitz and glamour’ in her music video as her genre of music is not just about the image. The props are very random, but are all items that you would find in a household, so they stick to the theme of everything happening behind closed doors, but the randomness of them represents the artist as intriguing and unique. 
Like the ‘Marina and the Diamonds’ music video most of the cinematography is focused on the artist. There are multiple close ups of the artist to reveal that she is the focus of this song and she is important. Cinematography is also used to represent the storyline of their relationship. There is a shot reverse shot when the couple are playing monopoly (childish game- this mise-en-scene represents their childish relationship). This is to reveal their facial expressions of boredom and irritation and therefore reveals their relationship as faded and unhappy. This relates to the lyrics she is singing, which is another convention that this video uses like the ‘Hollywood’ music video. There is also a mid shot of the couple’s feet under the table, which reveals that she moves her feet away when he puts his close. This represents their relationship again as faded and unpleasant. The overhead shot of the man lying on the artist asleep when she sings hateful lyrics about him creates a juxta position as they are lying like a happy in love couple would but she describes him hatefully behind his back. This represents a love hate relationship- she loves him but she hates what he does.
Like the ‘Hollywood’ music video, editing is used to represent a storyline of a faded and aggressive relationship. There are two flashbacks which relate to the lyrics sung. First there is a fast cut to a aggressive moving image of a a mans hands holding down a woman’s when she sings the lyrics ‘you got aggressive’ and there is another fast cut to an image of Kate Nash punching with boxing gloves on when she sings ‘every time we fight.’ This is conventional of a music video and also represents their relationship as violent and aggressive.
‘Fascination’- ‘Alphabeat’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3RjCiq1ICY&ob=av2e
 This music video is very different to the last two music videos I have analysed.  It doesn’t really follow a theme or a storyline it just concentrates on the band and how they have fun playing their music. It is unconventional that they don’t follow a storyline or theme, but it is conventional that they reveal the band’s style and display them as if they are playing live.
The mise-en-scene represents what the band want the audience to see them as and also makes their video more interesting. The beginning of the video begins in black and white and the artists’ costume is in black and white, but when the chorus commences the costume and set change to colour. The bright colours fit their ‘cheesy pop’ genre and also represent the band as fun and energetic.  The mise-en-scene beginning in black in white creates a build up to the sudden flash of colour when the chorus begins. There is a contrast between the band members and their dancers- the dancers’ costumes are dull and simple, whereas the band members’ costumes are bright and different. This is to make the band members stand out compared to the dancers as they want he audience to have focus on them. When the screen changes to a different colour in every shot it resembles disco lights and represents a song that audience members will want to dance to. All three videos use bright colours to create a fun and youthful atmosphere to their music videos.
The text of ‘Alphabeat’ and ‘Fascination’ is synchronous to the introduction beat. This introduces the song and the band to the audience and is very unconventional of a music video (this is revealed as both of the other videos that I have analysed do not use this technique).
This video has mixed dancers, but they seem to dance at separate times this is to put emphasis on the fact that their music is unisex, as it is a mixed group and a mixed group is not very common, so they want to illustrate how unique they are. 
The cinematography also gives representations of the band and follows conventions like the other two music videos. In the beginning there is a two shot of the lead singers. This is to introduce the audience to the main singers of the band and puts more importance on these two leads. It then zooms out to a wide shot and this introduces the audience to the rest of the band. It also reveals that the band are playing/singing synchronous to the music and gives the audience a feeling that they are watching a live show of the band.
Like the ‘Hollywood’ and ‘Foundations’ video this video shows many close-ups of the lead singers. This is to remind the audience which band members are singing the song and also to put importance and focus on the two lead band members.
The editing also gives representations of the band and follows conventions like the other two music videos. The use of fast pace editing creates an energetic mood which resembles the band and their music. The fast pace editing is also synchronous to the fast beat of the music. The use of cross cutting between the dancers and the band members reveals the band to be universally liked as we see dancers throughout- it also gives the impression to the audience that they must dance too, because the dancers are shown.

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