Sunday 3 October 2010

Her Morning Elegance music video analysis- Helen

Mise en scene is a crucial part of the video as most of the video is made up by this. The white is a key colour and constant throughout the video, another constant throughout the video is the lady in the video is wearing white and the bed is white. White is the colour of purity which links to the word 'elegance' from the song title. The black costume in which the singer wears makes him stand out from the black background as he should which shows a conventional twist to it. The whole video is shot in the bed which is just a typical bed with all props around it. All the props in the video such as the fish, and the birds, they are all made with clothes which are so simple yet so effective. This creates effect on the word morning as she is in her bed, which is a usual morning ritual and all the props are things that are to be found in the bedroom.
The camerawork is virtually the same the whole way through the video as it needed to be to show the scene. The shot used is a crane shot. There are two effective close ups during the video. One is where is is looking out of the train window which highlights the lady having her eyes closed bringing the question to mind, is this all a dream? The second close up is where she is in the water with the fish' which are made up of small socks. This close up emphasises the smile of which the lady is pulling making her to be pleasant and content.
The editing is the same the whole way through but makes the video so effective. The stop start editing reinforces the dream theme. As the stop start editing is unclear but you can still see what is going on this is similar to a dream. You can’t always remember what happened after the dream but while it is happening it is very clear.
The sound and the lyrics of the song are so important. The first main sound which signifies importance is the cello which the lady goes under. This is performed at the same time the bass cello comes in on the song. While she is on the train the lyrics match the action which is the same all the way through. The lady is matching up to the lyrics. The stop starting editing is in time and in the beat intervals of the song which makes it even more effective.
The video is very unconventional and very dissimilar to usual music videos. But the theme of the video is dreaming and routine which is what the video shows which is a convention of music videos as they do often follow a story which is what this one is doing. It is doing this by showing her morning routine; getting up, walking outside, going on the train. This then relates to the word ‘morning’ in the song title.

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